Individuals & Schools

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Cash/Check Donation

Send to:
Spierings Cancer Foundation
P.O. Box 171
Little Chute, WI 54140

Many individuals and organizations come to Spierings Cancer Foundation wanting to help by raising money for our programs. This may be as simple as an individual saving spare change and collecting donations from friends to a group organizing a full-scale fundraiser and donating the proceeds to our foundation. No matter the size, we're honored by their efforts to help those affected by cancer.

Whether an entire school wants to volunteer or one person wants to do something by him or herself to help support our mission we are grateful. The following are just a few ideas for events and fundraisers that some of our supporters have previously organized to raise funds for Spierings Cancer Foundation.

Events/Fundraising Ideas for Individuals or Small Groups

You can do just about anything to help raise money for cancer, but when it comes to individuals, we recommend you do what you are best at — and make it fun!

Here are some ideas that anyone can do to benefit Spierings Cancer Foundation:

  • Fox Valley Area Sports
    • Hilbert High School Volleyball "Dig Pink" donated more than $8,000 over the past 6 years.
    • Woodland Intermediate School Kimberly Unless program donated over $9,000 last year and will be working with us again this year. We look forward to this donation.
    • St. Mary's Clintonville donated tie blanket along with over $1,500 from penny wars and other events.
    • Appleton Area Schools ran a T-shirt sale online to help a family with cancer raising over $2,100.
  • Local Businesses
    • Lamers Dairy donated $579 from selling ice cream cones in the month of August.
    • Lillians of Appleton donated a percentage of sales from October Breast Cancer month.
    • Various companies have donated $3,000 by corporate business Matching gift programs.
  • Other Special Ways to Donate
    • Strikeout Cancer bowling event donated $2,500.
    • Zakowski Motorsports races donated over $6,000.
    • Memorial Donation
    • Personal Donation

We thank each of our community donors and organizations very much for their support.

If you are planning an event or fundraiser, please let us know. We can provide you with materials, send a representative to talk about the organization, or order special items, such as T-shirts or buttons. There are many ways to help. Contact Sue Spierings with your ideas and she would be happy to help organize your event.