Kicking to Cure

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Kickin to Cure Kickball Tournament

Come and join our first annual Kickin to Cure Kickball Tournament, where the Elrick family aims to raise awareness for those who are battling, have battled, or lost their lives to pancreatic cancer. The kickball tournament was created in memory of their grandma, Karen Elrick. Karen bravely fought pancreatic cancer in 2018 and was a supporter of the Spierings Cancer Foundation. We believe she will be watching from her bleacher seat in heaven enjoying her love for sports alongside their Grandpa. All proceeds from the event will be used to support pancreatic cancer research and families who are currently fighting the disease. We are grateful for your presence and generosity at this event and throughout the 15th Annual Rock Cancer.

Kickin to Cure Details:

  • Saturday, August 19, 2023
  • Time: 11am-7:30pm
  • Location: Doyle Park Diamond #1
  • Each team is guaranteed 2 games & will receive a Rock Cancer cooler filled with beer
  • The winning Team will receive T-shirts

To register your team, click the link below. You’ll be asked to enter the following info:

  • Team Name
  • Team Leader/Contact person (email to contact them)
  • Team Members (up to 10)

Thank you so much for registering for Kicking to Cure, partnering with Rock Cancer to raise awareness for those who are fighting, will fight, or have lost their fight to pancreatic cancer.

We created this kickball tournament in memory of our grandma, Karen Elrick, who bravely fought pancreatic cancer in 2018. She loved sports and we know will be watching from her heavenly bleacher seat next to Grandpa while the tournament happens.

All of the money raised during this event is going to profit research and families that are currently fighting pancreatic cancer. We appreciate your time and generosity during this event and throughout the entire day at Rock Cancer. -Elrick Family

Register Your Team Now

Spierings Cancer Foundation

Want to help?

We appreciate donation from all. Your donation allows us to help families, hospitals and fund research right here in our community.

We invite you to support our efforts.


Rock Cancer





Spierings Cancer Foundation Family Grants 2



Research Grants




